TP | - | M# | SER | - | BLK | - | MF | SERIAL # |
AF |
BG |
BS |
B |
- |
24 |
H | - |
15 | - |
FO | 42-52464 | 15 | 465 | 783 |
~ |
X | 00-1 | N/A |
Starboard (Right) Side - Before
Name was Applied - Port has READY
Lost 20 Oct 44, GER - MACR
9337 - Pilot Dean P. Evans
Contributor - Robert Livingstone
Info Contributor - Gary Ferrell
Failed to
return to base after aborting, for apparent mechanical reasons,
off the coast of Italy near Venice. After the war, the crew's MIA
status was changed to KIA.
2nd Lt. Dean P. Evans - Pilot 2nd Lt. Gordon L. Edwards - Co-Pilot 2nd Lt. Wilson M. Hatch - Navigator 2nd Lt. Melvin G. Roberts - Bombardier Sgt. Thomas A. Nunn, Jr. - Engineer |
Sgt. Wilfred J. Corn - Radioman Cpl. Robert A. Fenske - Gunner Cpl. George B. Rhinevault - Gunner Cpl. Charles L. Austin - Gunner Cpl. Victor E. Pehlman - Gunner |
Info Contributor - George F. Regan
My Uncle, Lt Joseph Coote, was the original Navigator.
Info Contributor - Cleo Jackson (Top Turret
Gunner/Asst. Engineer)
I was one of the original crew members, and flew
37 missions. I was a Sgt. when I was shot down 3 Aug 44,
in a radar plane, and became a P.O.W. for the rest of war. (Was
one of the lucky one's, it seems!) I attend every reunion of the 783rd Bomb
Squadron, where the presiding historian is Floyd Gregory. I have
asked everyone what ever happened to ROUGH AND READY,
but no one really knew. Even our commanding officer, Capt. Pace
(Pilot), couldn't remember, and now I can let him know.
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Best Web. Published on Veterans Day 11/11/97. Last